7 Common Mistakes When Creating Easy Read Documents

Common mistakes made when creating Easy Read documents include:

  1. Using Jargon: Including technical terms or jargon that may not be familiar to the intended audience can hinder comprehension. Easy Read documents should use plain language that everyone can understand.
  2. Complex Sentence Structure: Long or convoluted sentences can be difficult to follow. Keeping sentences short and simple improves readability.
  3. Inadequate Visual Support: Failing to include appropriate visual aids such as images, icons, or diagrams can make it harder for readers to grasp the content. Visual support should complement the text and enhance understanding.
  4. Lack of Consistency: Inconsistent formatting, vocabulary, or style can confuse readers. Maintaining consistency throughout the document ensures clarity and coherence.
  5. Assuming Prior Knowledge: Assuming that readers have prior knowledge of a topic can lead to gaps in understanding. Easy Read documents should provide necessary background information and avoid making assumptions about the reader’s knowledge.
  6. Overlooking Accessibility: Neglecting to consider the needs of individuals with disabilities, such as those who may require larger font sizes or alternative formats, can limit accessibility. Easy Read documents should be designed with inclusivity in mind.
  7. Ignoring User Feedback: Failing to gather feedback from the target audience during the creation process can result in overlooking important usability issues. Incorporating user feedback helps identify areas for improvement and ensures the document meets the needs of its intended audience.

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